The Trezentos e Sessenta Association is a non-profit organization based in Portugal whose mission is to promote inclusion through sport and culture.
The Trezentos e Sessenta Association fully delegates the production and operation of the Douro Cup to its partner BEAUTIFUL SUBJECT, LDA. and, through these regulations, defines its rules of operation and participation.
Any team that has completed the registration process, the registration of participants and completed payment of its participation with the organization through the means indicated, deadlines and conditions established, is considered eligible to participate.
2.1 Registration
a) Registration runs from October 1st to April 30th and is subject to availability of places in the respective class and/or accommodation units, to be confirmed with the organization.
b) The program, conditions and costs of participation are available at
c) To reserve their participation, the team must pay 30% of the total cost of their participation.
d) Each and every team is only guaranteed its participation if it completes payment in full within the established means and deadlines, by April 30th.
e) The organization only accepts payments in Euros and made by teams using the payment methods provided: ATM reference, MB Way (national teams) and Credit Card (international teams).
f) The organization accepts phased payments, as long as they are previously agreed by both parties, provided that the total cost of participation is paid by April 30.
g) Teams can choose to cover the logistics of transport, food and accommodation on their own, by paying 150€/Pax to ensure participation in the sport and experiences in the official program.
h) The costs of bank fees and/or exchange rates, if applicable, are borne by the participants.
j) All prices can be adjusted from January first.
2.2 Deposit bonds
Some accommodations require refundable deposits to be paid by the participants, which vary according to the type of hotel, the conditions of which are communicated at the time of registration and selection of the accommodation.
2.3 Cancellation
a) The 30% participation fee is non-refundable.
b) The participation fee is refundable at 70% of the participation fee paid for cancellations requested by February 28th.
c) The participation fee is refundable at 50% of the participation fee paid for cancellations requested by April 30th.
d) The participation fee is non-refundable for cancellations requested after May 1st.
2.4 Authorizations
a) All teams must request from their respective soccer federations or associations, a formal communication that does not oppose their participation in the tournament and send it by May 30.
b) In countries where soccer is organized by soccer schools, the organization also allows their participation, in which case the authorization of the club, school or association is required.
2.5 Traveling Visas
The organization does not assume any responsibility or direct intervention with the competent entities responsible for issuing visas for entry into Portugal, and obtaining these is the sole responsibility of the participating teams and mandatory, where applicable, to formalize and conclude the registration and participation process.
2.6 Theft or Damage
The organization is not liable for theft or damage to property and is not liable in any way for accidents, damages or economic losses that may arise in the event of war, warlike events, civil war, revolution or civil disturbances, or because of the actions of the authorities, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, epidemics or similar events.
The organization assumes no responsibility in the event of theft of sports equipment or personal belongings of participants in the accommodation, transport, sports venues or other places related to the event.
2.7 Insurance
a) The Douro Cup is covered by civil liability insurance.
b) As a tournament approved by the Portuguese Football Federation, the clubs' sports insurance policy in force for the sporting season - contracted via the federation or association - is valid for participation in the tournament, with the conditions of each club's policy taking precedence
c) Teams with their own insurance policy must inform the organization and waive their insurance policy if they so wish.
d) The remaining participants, who are not insured by the sports insurance policy of their association and/or federation, who are correctly and timely registered, within the established deadlines and conditions and with valid identification, are covered by personal accident insurance from the first to the last day of the tournament.
e) The organization's personal accident insurance policy, when activated in the event of an accident, is valid in Portugal and abroad, in public or private hospitals and includes the following capital and coverage:
1. Death: €28,530.00
2. Permanent Disability: €28,530.00
3. Treatment and Repatriation Expenses: €4,590.00
4. Funeral expenses: €2,290.00
f) The organization's policy works on a reimbursement basis for the payment of expenses inherent to the claim, and it is the claimant's responsibility to assume any and all expenses until reimbursement.
g) If an excess applies, the claimant is responsible for paying it.
h) The organization does not transport any injured party in its own vehicles, any transport being dependent on the Fire Brigade or the Emergency Ambulances, depending on the clinical episode.
i) In the event of an accident, at least one person from the club and/or guardian must accompany the victim, follow the organization's instructions and manage the process in conjunction and directly with the insurance company.
j) By registering, the club accepts the conditions of the personal accident policy and assumes responsibility for informing the coaches, managers and guardians of the participants about them.
2.8 Accreditation
a) This is the process of accreditation by the organization of all registered participants, which takes place on the day of reception at the respective accommodation unit or at another location indicated by the organization.
b) It can be done by a responsible registered representative of the club, who must be accompanied by the valid identification documents of all participants.
c) Participating teams without accommodation must show up on the day of the reception at a place to be indicated by the organization.
d) The wristband and credential provided during the accreditation process for athletes and adults, respectively, are personal and non-transferable and must be worn throughout the tournament in order to guarantee access to all tournament venues.
The Douro Cup is a tournament approved by the Portuguese Football Federation and is played according to the soccer rules of FIFA and the Portuguese Football Federation, as well as the specific rules and any amendments defined by the organization.
3.1 Age Groups and requirements
a) Girls:
Soccer 7: U15 (2010);
Soccer 11: U17 (2008);
b) Boys:
Soccer 7: U10 (2014); U11 (2013); U12 (2012);
Soccer 11: U13 (2011); U14 (2010); U15 (2009); U16 (2008); U17 (2007)
3.1.2 Requirements Soccer 11
Maximum number of players:
Minimum number of players: 16
Minimum number of adults: 2
Maximum number of adults: 4 Soccer 7
Maximum number of players: 20
Minimum number of players: 10
Minimum number of adults: 2
Maximum number of adults: 4
3.2 Age control
a) Teams must have valid player and adult identification and the corresponding participant identification bracelet with them for all matches.
b) All participating players must comply with the age control procedure before each game with the organization.
c) Age control will be carried out by checking that the list of players validated at team registration matches, in the presence of the players listed, and each player's valid identity document.
3.3 Games venue
a) The soccer stadiums hosting the tournament are located in Porto, at a maximum distance of less than 5km from the accommodation provided by the organization.
b) All playing fields are made of artificial grass.
c) In the event of unfavorable weather conditions, some matches may be rescheduled in terms of location and/or time or even decided by penalty kicks.
3.4 Balls
a) The organization provides special balls for the matches, considering Size 5 for Football 11 and Size 4 for Football 7.
b) The organization may provide balls to be used in the transition between the teams' matches, depending on the time available to fulfill the match schedule.
Balls belonging to teams cannot be used in tournament matches.
Teams may take their own balls to use in the surrounding areas where they are allowed to warm up, and they are responsible for them.
3.5 White card
The White Card regulation will be applied to all matches in the tournament and it will be on the basis of its application that the winner of the Fair-Play award will be determined.
3.6 Matches
Each team plays a minimum of 4 matches throughout the tournament.
3.6.1 Dates
a) The tournament matches will take place on June 25, 26, 28 and 29.
b) The finals will be played on June 29.
3.6.2 Match duration
Group stage, knockout stage and finals:
7×7 soccer: 2 x 20 Minutes
11×11 soccer: 2 x 25 minutes
NOTE: Half-time breaks will last a maximum of 3 minutes in all matches, in all categories.
3.6.3 Match report
a) The list of all participants registered and validated by the organization is considered to be the game sheet.
b) All players who appear on it are considered to have taken part in the match.
c) The data on the match report must correspond correctly with the elements present at the game.
d) Teams with players who are not registered and accredited will be excluded from the tournament.
e) If the same Club competes with two teams in the same category, the players of those teams may not alternate between teams.
3.6.4 Timetables
a) O acesso aos balneários deve seguir as instruções dos elementos da organização presente no estádio;
b) Todas as equipas têm de estar preparadas para iniciar o jogo pelo menos 30 minutos antes do início do jogo para efeitos de controlo de idades por parte da organização.
c) A não comparência até 15 minutos antes do início do jogo poderá levar a que seja atribuída uma falta de comparência à equipa e que, afetando a hora prevista do início do jogo, poderá ser penalizada com o resultado correspondente de 0-3.
3.6.5 Timetables, Results and Rankings
a) Times, venues, results and standings are announced online.
b) The tournament schedule is sent to the participating teams at the official email address used to register the team, and is then posted online.
3.7 Competitive model
a) The teams are divided into groups of four, six or eight teams where they all play in a league system, in rounds;
b) Each team's ranking will be determined according to the following points obtained: Win = 3 Points; Draw = 1 Point; Loss = 0 Points;
c) If two or more teams finish with the same number of points, the classification will be decided as follows, in this order of criteria:
1) Goal difference;
2) Most goals scored;
3) Results between teams with the same number of points;
4) Penalty kick scoring tournament.
d) The play-off phase starts in the quarter-finals and will depend on the number of groups per age group;
e) All play-off matches will be decided by the direct elimination system;
f) A draw in the play-off matches will be decided by penalty kicks in accordance with FIFA rules;
g) The score will be a series of three (3) penalty kicks. If the tie remains, as many penalties as necessary will be taken until a winner is found.
3.8 Players and substitutions
a) No team may use more than the maximum number allowed per age group;
b) Teams must have their players ready to play on the pitch no later than 10 minutes before kick-off;
c) At the start of each match, the team must field at least 7 players in 11-a-side soccer competitions and at least 5 players in 7-a-side soccer competitions;
d) The substitution must be made near the halfway line, on the side of the benches;
e) The substitution must take place during a stoppage in play. In other words, it can be made without the game being deliberately interrupted by the referee.
f) The exception to this is the substitution of the goalkeeper, which must take place when play is stopped by the referee, who must be informed beforehand and authorize it;
g) Any player who is substituted may re-enter the game;
h) All incorrect substitutions will be penalized with a yellow card;
i) If the referee judges a substitution of a player for the purpose of wasting time, he may prevent the substitution from taking place.
3.9 Game equipment
a) If the teams use the same or similar colors of equipment and, in the referee's opinion, they could be confused, the team that appears first in the official match schedule will be the one wearing the Douro Cup official vests;
b) If possible, this measure may be replaced by a change of playing equipment by one of the teams;
c) The number on the back of the jerseys is compulsory;
d) The number of the players on the match board must be the same as the number on the players' jerseys;
e) Two players cannot wear the same number in the same game;
f) No player may change their number during the same game. The exception is when the jersey is damaged but the referee's authorization is required;
g) Failure to comply with this rule will penalize the player with a yellow card and the player will have to leave the game to put on the appropriate jersey;
h) The player may only enter the game when properly equipped and with the referee's consent;
i) The use of shin pads is compulsory in matches;
j) If the player has not put them on, he may only re-enter or join the game when he is properly equipped and with the referee's consent;
k) All players must wear soccer boots suitable for synthetic surfaces, and the use of aluminum studs is prohibited.
3.10 Referees
a) All referees are official;
b) All 7-a-side soccer matches are refereed by 1 referee;
c) All 11-a-side soccer matches are directed by 1 referee and 2 assistant referees;
d) The referees' decisions are unappealable.
3.11 Discipline
a) Teams are responsible for the conduct of their players, coaching staff, supporters and family members during matches;
b) Teams may lose a match and/or be expelled from the tournament on the grounds of improper conduct displayed by any of their agents and/or supporters;
c) All protests must be submitted in writing via email to, by the team manager no later than 1 hour after the end of the match;
d) The opening of a protest procedure requires the payment of a fee of €100 to be paid at the time of the exhibition to IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4548 7421 2400 5, proof of which must be attached to the protest. In the event of a successful outcome, the fee will be refunded;
e) Protests based on refereeing decisions will not be accepted;
f) Yellow cards are not cumulative;
g) A red card suspends any player from taking part in the next match. The same applies to a team manager;
h) It will be up to the tournament's technical committee to decide whether the suspension will be for more than one match in the event of a direct red card;
i) Only if a player is suspended for more than one match will this information be given in writing to the team manager;
j) If a suspended player plays without serving his suspension in the immediately following match, his team automatically loses the match 0-3;
k) Serious infringements may be reported to the soccer associations and federations of the corresponding countries.
3.12 No-shows
a) If a team fails to turn up for a match without valid reason, that team may be awarded a 3-0 defeat;
b) If a team repeatedly fails to show up for matches, it may be excluded from the tournament;
c) If a team commits an infringement with the deliberate intention of benefiting and/or causing harm to another team, it may be excluded from the tournament;
d) If a game is interrupted for any reason and cannot be played to the end, a decision will be made on these 5 (five) alternatives:
1º) If the match has to be restarted from the beginning;
2º) Whether the game will be resumed from the minute it was interrupted;
3º) If the result at the time of the interruption, it will be decided as the final result;
4º) If one of the teams wins 3-0;
5) If both teams lose 0-3.
3.13 Soccer Seven Specifications
The offside rule does not apply in the Football 7 categories.
If a player is shown a red card, he can be replaced by another player.
The Douro Cup provides health professionals at all the stadiums.
a) The organization provides transfers to and from Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport and Campanhã Station on June 24 and 29.
b) Transfers on dates other than June 24 or 29 are subject to quotation by the organization.
c) The organization provides a transport circuit with private and exclusive buses for the registered and accredited members of the participating teams to travel around the tournament, in shuttle format.
d) The shuttle bus is a circuit of buses that does not pass by the accommodation, but travels from a central starting point to the stadiums, with an estimated journey time of between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the stadium.
e) It is the teams' responsibility to get to the shuttle and access can be on foot or by public transport.
e) It is the teams' responsibility to get to the shuttle and can be reached by walking or by public transport.
a) Full board for registered teams with accommodation.
b) Lunch and dinner are served in the tournament cafeteria during the following periods:
Lunch: 12pm - 3pm
Dinner: 7pm - 10pm
c) Teams staying in a hotel with breakfast included must respect the timetables indicated by the hotel, taking into account match and transport times.
a) Accommodation information is available at .
b) In addition to accommodation, the prices include all meals, transport and experiences, according to the program.
c) Prices vary according to the category of accommodation and/or accommodation unit.
d) The availability of all advertised accommodation is subject to confirmation by the organization.
e) Confirmation of the reservation is subject to payment of 30% of the total price of the selected accommodation.
f) Some accommodations require deposits to be paid at check-in which are refundable at check-out, subject to the accommodation's policy.
g) The deposits required for accommodation are borne by the participants and their cost varies according to the type of hotel. The conditions will be communicated at the time of consultation and booking.
h) Participants must respect the rules and instructions laid down by the respective hotel, and the organization will be held responsible for these.
i) Failure to comply with the hotel's rules may result in sporting penalties to be defined by the organization or even the ejection of any team from the tournament.
The Douro Cup ticket sales are in aid of local non-profit organizations with social inclusion projects through sport and culture.
Minors are exempt from paying for a entry ticket, as are managers, coaches of the participating clubs and members of the partner clubs, on presentation of ID, license and membership card, respectively.
Tickets are daily and/or weekly and valid for any stadium in the tournament. They can be purchased online or at the ticket office of each stadium:
a) Daily Ticket: €5.00
b) Weekly Ticket €20.00
All participants in the tournament receive a medal;
The winning teams in each category receive a trophy;
The Fair-Play Award,in accordance with the White Card regulations, will reward the team with the most deserving actions with free entry to the next edition of the tournament.
10.1 Processing of personal data
Personal data is collected and processed by the organization only for purposes strictly linked to the use of its services. However, your personal data may also be used for other processing operations that fall within the limits of these uses:
a) Whenever you process goods and services, we collect your personal data (e.g. e-mail address, address, credit card number and telephone number).
b) Whenever you save a delivery address, we collect your personal data in order to simplify the preparation of your future purchases.
Personal data is stored for as long as is strictly necessary and is always linked to the entire registration and participation procedure.
10.2 Personal Data Disclosure
a) Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties providing specific services, such as external entities contracted by Associação Trezentos e Sessenta.
b) Any disclosure will be made without going beyond the purpose for which your personal data was collected and subsequently processed. In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties for:
1. Comply with applicable laws;
2. Responding to judicial and government inquiries;
3. Comply with valid legal processes;
4. Protect the rights or property of the Three Hundred and Sixty Association.
c) your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without prior information or without your consent, when this is required by law.
d) For any clarification on this matter, please use the following email address
10.3 Image rights
For the purposes of promoting its activities and services, Associação Trezentos e Sessenta reserves the right to use video, photographic and voice content collected from participants.
10.4 Legislation
The processing of personal data by Associação Trezentos e Sessenta will be carried out in accordance with current Portuguese law. Contracts for the purchase and sale of products through this site are governed by Portuguese law.
All communications with binding effect should be sent via email to the following address
Júlio Moura
General Manager
+351 913 271 959
The Douro Cup organization reserves the right to change groups, matches, schedules, stadiums, and/or others, and is obliged to inform the teams of any changes via e-mail.